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Temporal expressions

Posted: Apr 21st, 15, 00:16
by machine_head

I need some help with Russian cases :) I have here some temporal expressions that I have to translate using the proper case. If you could please please help me with them :)
- last spring
- next week
- every Sunday
- the whole day
- in the early morning
- this year
- next autumn


Re: Temporal expressions

Posted: May 29th, 15, 14:20
by LoveMyRussia
I'm not sure if I got you right and if your question is still actual, but here are the translations:

- last spring - прошлой весной
- next week - на следующей неделе
- every Sunday - каждое воскресенье
- the whole day - целый/весь день
- in the early morning - рано утром
- this year - в этом году
- next autumn - следующей осенью