what is difference "из,за,от" ?

Why do we use this case here? And this verb? What rule should I use here?
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what is difference "из,за,от" ?

Postby andriyana » Dec 26th, 13, 05:25

what is difference "из,за,от" and when can we use it ?
thank you

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Re: what is difference "из,за,от" ?

Postby ColdSteel » Jan 27th, 14, 18:06

1. "Из" may have two meanings. It's an equivalent of the English preposition "from".
1.1. When we talk about direction, when some object was IN some place, and now leaves it, or when we talk about the origin.
Я вышел из комнаты. I went out from the room.
Я иду из театра. I am going from the theater.
Я из России. I am from Russia.
1.2. When something is made of something.
Печенье из шоколада. Chocolate cookies.
(Шоколадное печенье = Chocolate cookies)
Сыр сделан из молока. The cheese is made from milk.

2. "За".
2.1 Behind.
Он за гаражом. He is behind the garage.
Она зашла за дом. She went behind the house.
2.2. For.
Прошу прощения за мой английский. Excuse me for my English.

3. "От". Of. Direction. When some object was near some another object and now moves of it.
Я отошёл от стены. I went of the wall.

I guesse, my explanations are not full, but here are the main cases of the usage of these prepositions.

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Re: what is difference "из,за,от" ?

Postby harry56 » Jun 4th, 17, 09:16

A friend recommended me your wonderful site Russianforfree.com. Too bad can't access it from Russia. Do you have any other site specifically for Russia.


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Re: what is difference "из,за,от" ?

Postby serg730 » Jun 5th, 17, 13:11

Не понятно в чем проблема...

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Re: what is difference "из,за,от" ?

Postby Leesajohnson254 » Nov 16th, 17, 09:33

Meaning: from, out of, of, because of
Pronunciation: [eez]
Part of speech: preposition
Example sentences:
Вы из Сóчи?
Are you from Sochi?
Мы приéхали из дерéвни в Москву́.
We came from a village to Moscow.
Meaning: behind, over, at, after, for
Pronunciation: [zah]
Part of speech: preposition
Олег сел за руль "Во́лги".
Oleg sat behind the wheel of the Volga.
Мне уже за сорок, а я еще не женат.
I'm over forty already, but I'm still not married.
Meaning: from, away from, because of, of, for
Pronunciation: [oht]
Part of speech: preposition
Example sentences:
На войнé мнóгие солдáты умирáют от ран.
Many soldiers die of wounds during the war.
Налéвo от меня́ - у́лица Тверскáя, напрáво - Истори́ческий музéй.
Tverskaya street is on my left, the History Museum is on my right.

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Re: what is difference "из,за,от" ?

Postby Ivan Drago » Mar 20th, 18, 22:51

I search people for the mutual improvement of language (i`m Russian native speaker who want to study English).

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